Monday, January 28, 2019

5x20 Leg Training

Simple: warm up 100 air squats.......then pick 5 different leg exercises 1 set x 20 reps of each with as little rest as possible.....

Example: 100 air squats, 20 leg extensions, 20 front squats, 20 Db straight leg deadlifts, 20 leg presses, 20 leg curls.......done

Monday, January 14, 2019

Recovery Workout

I use this on days when I’m low energy, sore....or just mentally beat.....

Total Body High Rep/Variation:

- Do leg, chest, back, shoulders in sequence for one set of 20 reps each
- repeat above for 3 more cycles....picking different movements for each body part
- keep rest minimal and perceived effort at about 75%


Cycle 1 - goblet squat, pushups, body row, lateral raises
Cycle 2 - step ups, incline flyes, dumbbell pullover, dumbbell press
Cycle 3 - reverse lunges, chest press, underhand lat pulls, barbell high pulls
Cycle 4 - leg press, pec dec, wide grip cable row, machine shoulde press

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Leg Strength Ladders

Using selectorized leg press/leg kickback leg extension/leg
curl equipment......start with warmup weight and do an increasing 5 set x 5 rep ladder for each movement without rest......

Example: leg press - 120x5, 160x5, 200x5, 240x5, 280x5.....try to pick weights that will bring you to near failure by last rest between sets

Continue with same protocol for other movements....

Finisher: 50 alternate reverse lunges/50 alternate step ups/ 50 jump,squats