Monday, January 23, 2012

training log

back from show low

no running last week - being cautious before cardiologist appoint on 25th - swam four times and did circuit weight training 3 times - walked avery day about 3 - 4 miles - basically this adds up to me getting slowly out of shape - have had a constant ache down the right side of my neck extending to my shoulder blade - this may be related to a-fib from what i have read - weight is up to 198 - about 13 over race weight - with reduced activity, i will have to tighten up diet - tomorrow:


overhead squat - 3x12

hammer incline bench - 3x8

hanging leg lift - 3x20

pullups -3x 7

leg extention - 3x 12

dumbell press - 3x8

alternate reverse lunge - 1x50

dumbell curl 1 - 2x 10

pushups - 1xmax


30 mile ez bike

Monday, January 16, 2012


today: swam 35 minutes working on glide - around 1600 yds

tomorrow's circuit

5 rounds:

bb squat x 15 reps
underhand grip lat pulls x 10 reps
incline db press x 8 reps
1 min rest

Sunday, January 15, 2012

workout program

recieved a call from the nurse who prepped me - she gave me a chance to vent a little - she said she was a little surprised how fast the decision was made ( about a minute) and said she would make sure info from my cardio appointment gets to my surgeon - as a side thought: by the time they got to me, they were running about an hour and a half behind schedule - at any rate, i still want the same surgeon if possible - today i am doing an easy weight circuit, light weight, low aerobic range :

3 rounds of each group:

10 overhead bar squat/10 lat pulldown
30step ups/ 15 pushups
8 db press/ 15 bent leg raise
15calve raise/ 8db curl

afternoon will be a 4 mile walk

Saturday, January 14, 2012

pissed off

well, Pam took me in to the hospital for my hernia repair yesterday and it was a total mess - after filling out paperwork getting prepped and doped up, i was informed that basically too unhealthy to be treated - the heart monitor was showing what appears to be atrial fribullation or whatever it is - next step is a trip to the cardiologist jan 25th - until then i have to take it easy - i am still absorbing the fact that i was watching people getting wheeled into surgery that couldnt walk across the room under their own power, but i was considered to much of a risk for a simple hernia repair - hell, the previous day i swam a mile and rode my bike 30 miles.......

Thursday, January 12, 2012

getting ready for last swim before being slit open like a fish(irony) - may even do a spin class in a desperate last attempt to forestall my impending physical decline - at 'bucks on cortero watching a running club suck down coffee before their run - they all look like they're packing less than 2lbs per 1nch of height - in other words 'fast' - i won't know my surgery time for friday until i call at 2pm today - will advise of results, unless in coma

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

well - friday i go in for my hernia surgery - this will definitely test my patience - dr says 4 to 6 weeks of recovery - i am usually not to good at this, but i will attempt to document my recovery - my goal is to do the 'tour of the tucson mountains' 76 mile ride in the last week of april - this will give me 7 - 8 weeks of training - during my recovery i plan on learning more about training, nutrition and recovery, with an eye on eliminating garbage miles and calories