Sunday, December 30, 2012

sunday 12/30/12 strength day + tommorrows plan

todays workout

front squat -                  6 sets x 3 reps(increase weight)
back squat -                  1 set 20 reps with heaviest front
                                        squat weight
pullups -                        5sets x 5 reps
arm dips -                      1 x 20, 1 x 12 - immediate pushups
                                         to failure
hack machine squats      1 x 20  - immediate leg extensions
                                         to failure
db clean and press         6 x 3reps(increase wt) immediate
                                         machine  shoulder press 1 x20


10 rounds of following:
  1 minute jump rope 
  3reps handstand pushups

           rest 15 min

  1 hr spin class

Friday, December 28, 2012

todays training friday 12/28/12

kind of a whatever day

superset pushups/kipping pullups - 5 supersets of 80% efforts
decline trunk curls
step ups - 50 alt reps with 60 lbs cable resistance
assisted single leg squats - hang from lat pull bar with 70lbs resistance and descend on one leg
cable row - 120 lbs x 30 reps
machine shoulder press 60 lbs x 30 reps

      as i said, just a get to the gym and move around day

afternoon - stairmaster 20 minutes for 97 floors

                                            DIET THOUGHTS

diet note: bought raw chia seeds to mix in with morning protein drink........if i dont like it i'll smear them on my bald dome and be a chia pet

a.m. drink post workout- half banana, cup of mixed frozen fruit, two tblsp greek yogurt, tblsp of walnuts, scoop of whey protein, tsp chia, dose of liquid multi vitamin, 6oz water

supplements - 1 CoQ10 capsule, 2 fish oil capsules 

i guess i am on what would be considered the anti-paleo diet - not by design; just luck

paleo: no grains                       walt: oats, quinoa, rice, wheat, AND CHIA!!!

paleo: no dairy                         walt: milk, whey, yogurt, cottage cheese

paleo: meat, meat, meat           walt: no meat

i guess i'm never gonna be a caveman

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

thursday 12/27/12 strenghth/skill workout

   bb front squat    5x5(increase wt each set)
   strict pullups     6x6
   bb bench press  5x5(increase wt each set)

  practise single leg squats and handstand pushups

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

workouts for wed 12/26/12

morning - metabolic/skills

5 rounds of:
          1 minute of 20" box jumps / 30 seconds of  db clean and press

 Description: do as many box jumps as possible in one minute and then do as many clean and presses with dumbells of your choice in 30 seconds  - repeat 5 rounds without rest

                                                   rest 10 minutes

skills: 15minutes of jump rope - work on double unders(2 loops per hop)


afternoon - endurance:
               3 x 1 mile run on 5 minute rest ( or 3 x 8 minute runs)  do this at 70% perceived effort

Monday, December 24, 2012

strength/spin class


bench press - 135lbs x10 reps,  170lbs  to failure, then immediately pushups to failure
pullups - 3 sets to failure on 1 minute rest
arm dips - 1 set to failure
db bench row -  1 set 70 x 20 each arm
db standing push press -  55 x 6, 40 x 10
barbell narrow grip high pull - 80 x 15 (cheat form)

15 min rest

1 hr spin class

Sunday, December 23, 2012

12/23/12 cardio

this was a quick, low impact cardio workout - still having neck/upper back issues that make running and bike riding painful - the bike riding is painful due to the forward lean on my road bikes -  so here goes:

stairmaster(escalator type) - 20 minutes at following one minute speed level changes - 6,7,8,7,6,7,8,7,6,7,8,7,6,7,8,7,6,7,8,7

                                                  5 min rest

concept II rower - 5 min effort at 80 -90% perceived effort


strength day

front squat   - 5 sets x 5 reps(increase weight)
bench press - 5 sets x 3 reps, drop 20% of heavy set and max rep
pullups         - 4sets x 8 reps
db box steps - 3 sets x 30,20,14 reps (alt leg each rep)
db push press- 3 sets x 8 reps (increase weight)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

sick and injured

well...... for the last three weeks i've had a strained neck/shoulder that keeps me awake - going to cracktobackter tomorrow - he's really good, but i use him sparingly -  have decided to abandon crossfit - it's a great modality, but i find the randomness a little to uh random - the program tends to incorporate shoulders to a degree that i cannot tolorate(okay crossfitters, im a pussy) - also it tends to turn into a chinese firedrill(okay everyone else, i'm politically incorrect) in the quest for a good whiteboard - i have taken away some good things; great things actually - jumping, gymnastic moves, jump rope, and the careful addition of metabolic lifting workouts - here is what i did today:

5 rounds:
   5 pullups
   15 pushups
   12 smith squats


3 rounds:
  5 bb pushpress
  15 hanging leglifts

  50 benchsteps with  15lb dbs