Sunday, August 27, 2017

Power/Conditioning Complex Workout

using same weight on Olympic bar - do 5 rounds of following complex - rest 2 minutes between rounds:

 5 hang cleans
 5 push presses
 10 deadlifts

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Controlling intensity

ok.......between the a-fib and bouts of tachycardia, I have found heart rate monitors to be unreliable, rendering wildly inaccurate and meaningless method.......I have found that if I periodically count my respiration rate per minute I can control my intensity and stay in a mild aerobic zone that my age and condition requires.........first I have established a consistent deep breathing techinique that requires nasal inhalation and combined nasal and mouth exhalation.......for this method to work I never get into a situation where I am gasping or shallow breathing.......having established this teqnique, I limit my respiration rate(breathes per minute) to 14..........after a few days of practice I don't even need a watch, or to even count.......the rhythm and depth of breath is easily how does one improve without pushing the envelope?.......well, the working theory is that repeated training bouts maintaining these parameters results in gradual increase in cardiac efficiency, resulting in improved performance at the same perceived and quantified( 14 breaths per minute) effort level........practical for someone training to be a world beater?........nope......usable for a 60+ hanger-onner with cardiac issues?.....we'll find out......annnnnnnd out

Try again......

almost forgot I had this that I'm training people again at "The Gym" in Pinetop, AZ, I may as well us this forum to share ideas in fitness and related can still forget about punctuation and sentence structure.......just gonna get to the point....

Personally, I have just gone through a series of cardiac tests/evaluations........still demonstrate a-fib at all times, with a dose of mitral valve prop lapse thrown in for good measure........I have modified (read backed off) on my training intensity and volume.......after much reading and experimenting I have concluded that extended aerobic training - 2 hours plus - is not beneficial for me......any possibly for many people over the book "The Haywire Heart" for an explanation of this.......years ago I started questioning the idea of the multi-hour training sessions at 75-80% threshold that are endemic in the endurance sport world......I began to refer to this method as training in the "gray area" or "plow horse" doubts were intuitive and observational.........however, these doubts in the efficacy and healthfulness of this type of training seem to be borne out by research and have been brought to light by authors such as Phil Maffetone and Mark Sisson......if you get a chance, read their books and find their blogs.......even if you don't agree with all their ideas you will undoubtedly come away with valuable knowledge......out