Friday, February 23, 2018

Saturday Metabolic Training

Jumprope 6x45 seconds -1 min rest

Dumbell Thrusters 5x10 reps - 1 min rest

Burpees 4x 10 reps - 1 min rest

Pushup/Stepups  3x 20/10 - 1 min rest

Monday, February 19, 2018

5x5 Total Body

Note: 20 rep warmup for all exercises  - 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise- increase weight each set - 2 minute rest intervals

Hack Squat 
Incline Barbell Press
Dumbbell Press
Lat Pulldown

Friday, February 16, 2018

Upper Body Strength

Underhand Lat Pulldown - 6x3, 20% Dropset and rep out
Dips - 3x max reps
Barbell High Pull - 3x8
Machine Incline Press - 3x8
Cable Row - 3x8
Dumbbell Curl - Triple Dropset
Triceps Cable Ext - Triple Dropset

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Thursday Training

Jump rope 10x35 seconds -1 min rest

Alternate 10x20 stepups/10x10 depth Pushups - 1 min rest

5x10 dumbbell thrusters - 1 min rest

Alternate 5x15 bodyrows/20 reverse lunges - 1 min rest

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Basic Strength

Smith Squat 5x10
Deadlift 5x5
Bench Press 5x3, back off 20% and rep out
LegExt/Leg Press  1 Superset to Failure
Dip/Flye Machine 1 Superset to Failure
Lat Pulldown 1 Triple Dropset
Tricep Cable Ext 1 Triple Dropset
Dumbbell Curl 1 Triple Dropset