Monday, December 31, 2018

Old School Total Body

   Dumbbell Deadlift  5x5
   Dip 5x max
   Dumbbell Pullover 5x8
   Dumbbell Lateral 3x8
   Leg Extension 3x12
   Wide Lat Pulldown 3x8
   EZ Bar French Press 2x12
   Dumbbell Hammer Curl 2x12


Sunday, December 30, 2018


Pick a Push/Pull/Leg  compound movement

Do 5 sets of 10 reps for each with sufficiently rest between cardio component today

Try to increase weight until 10 reps are not possible......then decrease weight if necessary to meet rep goal

My picks today:

Incline Barbell Press
Layback Underhand Lat Pulldown
Hammer Squat

Note: I will slightly vary hand/foot placement for each set

Friday, December 28, 2018

Machine Workout

I know I know I know.......machines aren’t as good as free it.....
I’m doing a rapid fire, total body machine session today.......for 30 minutes moving around the body - push/pull/legs........using a variety of machines I have set of  10 - 12 reps per machine

Example:  leg press/inc chest press/lat pulldown/rear leg drive/shoulder press/cable row/leg curl/pec dec/hammer uh lat pull/hammer squat/assist dip/cable hi-pull........etc......keep going for 30 minutes, keeping heat rate in high aerobic zone......

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Do each Cycle 4 times without rest
Rest 5 minutes between each cycle

Cycle I x 4
   30 reverse lunges/10 push-ups/20 abs cycles
                                    5 minute rest
Cycle II x 4
   15 body rows/20 dumbbell sumo squats/15 ab v-ups
                                    5 minute rest
Cycle III x 4
   10 dumbbell shoulder press/10 dumbbell deadlifts/10 dumbbell pullovers

Note: use relatively  light weights allowing to complete reps

Monday, December 24, 2018

Back at it

Took a forced week off from training due to moving to Havasu........always like to start with a basic total body see if anything is out of whack.......stress basic compound movements......light weight......12 - 15 rep range.......sufficient rest intervals/no cardio factor

Then later in day a low slow distance cardio session of about an hour

This usually sets me back on track

  Smith Squat 4x12
  Push-ups 4x12                                     After each 4 sets of a movement - 1 set of 20 abs
  Underhand Lat Pulldown 4x12
  Dumbbell Deadlift 4x12
  Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3x12

Afternoon cardio:  1 hour fast walk


1- 1% milk, shredded wheat, sliced almonds

2- whey protein drink

3- tuna sandwich

4- turkey, sweet potato, Brussels sprouts

Thursday, December 13, 2018


Hang cleans 5x5
Db deadlifts 5x5


3 mile high incline fast walk on mill

Friday, December 7, 2018


Do 3 rounds of each triplet without rest
Do 10 -12 reps of each exercise

                Rest 5 minutes between each triplet

1- dips/lat pulldown / ab v-up
2- Db press/goblet squat/Db pullover
3-Db deadlift/pushups/compound crunch
4-bb high pull/reverse lunges(12 each leg)/triceps rope ext

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Total body shakeup

pick rarely used exercises for each body part and keep reps in 12 - 15 range.......keep moving with minimal rest

My choices:

3 sets x 12-15 reps each:
   Incline dumbbell press
   Underhand cable row
   Leg extension/reverse lunges supersets
   Hang cleans
   Diamond pushups
   Lateral raises

Friday, November 30, 2018

Total Body Low Volume/High Intendity

Method: work very hard.......don’t leave anything on table.....only one shot for each muscle group

1)For each exercise do 1 or 2 warmup sets - then target weight that you can do for 6 to 8 reps
2)After doing target set rest 30 seconds and continue same exercise for max reps with same weight
3)Rest 30 seconds and do one additional reps will be around 14 to 16

    Leg Press
    Chest Press
    Lat Pulldown
    DB Press
    DB Straight Leg Deadlift

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Total Body Metabolic

Goal is to keep heart rate in the training range for cardio benefit

1- dumbbell thrusters 5x10 - 1 min rest

2- body row/push-up superset 5x10 - 30 second rest

3- reverse lunges/ab v-ups 5x20 - 30 second rest

4- dumbbell deadlifts/dumbbell pullovers 5x10 - 30 second rest

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

5x5 total body

All of following are 5sets of 5reps......increase weight each set as possible - 2 minutes rest between sets

Front Squat
Bench Press
Dumbbell Deadlift
Dumbbell ShoulderPress
Underhand Lat Pulldown

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Total body metabolic

Description:  three “triplets” each triplet 4 times without 5 minutes between triplets

12 push-ups
12 body rows
24 reverse lunges

            5 min rest

12 last pulldowns
12 Db shoulder presses
24 ab cycles

            5 min rest

12 dips
12 Db curls
24 jump squats

Monday, October 22, 2018

Total Body 5x5

do each exercise for 5 sets of 5 reps
attempt to increase weight each set
rest 2 to 3 minutes between each set

Smith Squat
Bench Press
DB Deadlift
Lat Pulldown
DB Shoulder Press

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Total body metabolic

-Do following “triplets” for 3 cycles without rest......take 5 minutes rest between “triplets”
- Adjust resistance to allow reps indicated

1# - 3 x (15 smith squats, 15 pushups, 15 abdominal v-ups)
                                     ( 5 min rest )
2# - 3x (15 bodyrows, 15 dumbbell Deadlifts, 15 db standing presses)
                                     ( 5 min rest )
3# - 3x (15 dips, 15 leg press, 15 db pullovers)

Friday, August 31, 2018

Total body workout

smith squats 5x10 - increase wt each set
DB push press 5x6 - increase wt as possible
BB deadlift 5x10 - increase wt each set
UH lat pulls 3x8 - increase wt as possible
Depth Pushups 3x max reps - one minute rest
Assisted pistol squats 3x10 - alternate legs w no rest
DB Curls - Triple Dropset
Dips 3 x 10

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Lower body

Hack Squat 5x20 - increase weight each set while maintaining reps
Dumbbell Deadlift 5x10 - same as above
Alternate Stepups 3x20 - use dumbbells for added resistance
Reverse Lunges 3x20 - no weight
Single calf raises 3xmax reps

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Total Body Workout

Depth Pushups w/Elevated Feet  5 x max reps - 2 min rest
Hack Squats 5 x 10 reps - increase weight each set - 2 min rest
Wide Lat Pulldowns - 4 x 8 reps - adjust weight as necessary - 2 min rest
DB Deadlifts - 4 x 10 reps - increase weight each set - 3 min rest
DB Pushpresses - 4 x 8 reps - adjust weight as necessary - 2 min rest

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Today’s Training

   Long Slow Distance (LSD)
         20 mile road ride at talking pace

  Strength Training
     5 rounds/8 repetitions  of the following triplet:
          BB Deadlift
          Ring Dips

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Metabolic Training

try this.....if any question about specific exercise, google a video

Dumbbell Thruster - 5x15 on 2 minute rest(adjust weights to maintain rep goal)

3 rounds  of following:
   20 box stepups/15 bodyrows/10 Pushups - 1 minute rest between each round

Dumbbell deadlifts 5x15 on 2 minutes rest(adjust weights to maintain rep goal

Monday, March 26, 2018

Old school pre-exhaust training

Method: pick two exercises for each body isolation/one a warmup set of 20 for target weight for work isolation set to nausea/do compound set to blackout........repeat for each bodypart:

Leg extension/Leg press
Incline dumbell flyers/ arm dips
Dumbell pullovers/Cable row
Lateral raises/ machine shoulder press
Hyperextentions/dumbell deadlifts

Friday, March 2, 2018

25s.........stolen from Kim

Do following with minimal rest.......vary weight during set as needed to achieve 25 reps

Leg ext -25 reps
Smith squat- 25 reps
Leg curl-25 reps
Hypertension- 25 reps
Stepups- 50 reps

Pushups- 25 reps
UH Lat reps
Db Press- 25 reps
Machine row- 25 reps
Machine bench-25 reps
Lateral raise-25 reps

Deadlift- 25 reps

Friday, February 23, 2018

Saturday Metabolic Training

Jumprope 6x45 seconds -1 min rest

Dumbell Thrusters 5x10 reps - 1 min rest

Burpees 4x 10 reps - 1 min rest

Pushup/Stepups  3x 20/10 - 1 min rest

Monday, February 19, 2018

5x5 Total Body

Note: 20 rep warmup for all exercises  - 5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise- increase weight each set - 2 minute rest intervals

Hack Squat 
Incline Barbell Press
Dumbbell Press
Lat Pulldown

Friday, February 16, 2018

Upper Body Strength

Underhand Lat Pulldown - 6x3, 20% Dropset and rep out
Dips - 3x max reps
Barbell High Pull - 3x8
Machine Incline Press - 3x8
Cable Row - 3x8
Dumbbell Curl - Triple Dropset
Triceps Cable Ext - Triple Dropset

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Thursday Training

Jump rope 10x35 seconds -1 min rest

Alternate 10x20 stepups/10x10 depth Pushups - 1 min rest

5x10 dumbbell thrusters - 1 min rest

Alternate 5x15 bodyrows/20 reverse lunges - 1 min rest

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Basic Strength

Smith Squat 5x10
Deadlift 5x5
Bench Press 5x3, back off 20% and rep out
LegExt/Leg Press  1 Superset to Failure
Dip/Flye Machine 1 Superset to Failure
Lat Pulldown 1 Triple Dropset
Tricep Cable Ext 1 Triple Dropset
Dumbbell Curl 1 Triple Dropset

Friday, January 26, 2018

Metabolic Training

Alternate upper/lower body exercises.......keep reps at around for 30 minutes

Example: leg ext/push-up/step up/lat pull/reverse lunge/Db Push Press/Leg Press/Cable row/hyper ext/pec dec.........repeat series until 30 minutes is reached

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Basic Strength Session

Front Squat 10x3
Push Press 10x3
Dead Lift 10x3
Machine Chest Press 5x5
Lat Pulldown 5x5
Leg Extensions 3x10
DB Curl 3x8

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Metabolic couplet training

 4 rounds - 20 Deadlift/12 pushup - 1 min rest between rounds
     2min rest

4 rounds - 15 Lat Pull/15 smith squat  - 1 min rest between rounds

   2 min rest

4 rounds - 20 step up/12 push press - 1 min rest between rounds

    2 min rest

4 rounds - 15 hyper extentions/12 dips - 1 min rest between rounds

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Back from the dead workout

ok ok’s a technique I use when I’ve been out of action for a week or more due to injury, illness or life......

I combine a total body, non-skill, mostly machine weight session with extra high reps......I do this to reacquaint the muscles with full range of motion under a light load and give the aerobic system a mild jolt.....tomorrow will be:

 Deadlifts - 3x20
Depth Pushups - 3x15
Hack Squats - 3x20
Underhand Lat Pull - 3x15
Shoulder Press 3x15
Leg Ext 3x15
DB Thusters 3x15

Monday, January 1, 2018

Thoughts on leg training

Ok.......hack squat machine and smith machine squats are ineffective......right?  Everyone says it, so it must be true......meh..........let’s look at it from a 50 years + point of view........the contention is that neither machines allow for the full coordinated employment of the lower back, glutes, hamstrings and quads........point well taken......but if you’ve ever done a heavy set of 20 hack squats or smith squats to the point of gagging, you know something is observation is that to get that same leg torturing feeling with free squatting puts the trainee at risk of injury due to the fact that the erector muscles invariably fatigue before the glutes, hams and quads.......this forces the trainee to compromise form and invites disaster.......So is the solution to stop’s what I do in my old age.........for Strength I employ hacks or smiths to really attack quads......then I do deadlifts to attack hams, glutes lower back.........ok, following me?

Now on alternate leg days I start with free squat triples.....slowly working up to a challenging set......this usually takes around 6 to 8 sets.......then I’ll do a light  high rep leg workout.......I am finding that the heavy “machine/ deadlift sessions are building strength to improve on my squat days and that I’m remaining injury free..........that’s it.....just and that’s about it